Kidung Persekutuan Reformed Injili 19
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KPRI19: Besar Setia-Mu (Great Is Thy Faithfulness)
Lagu: William M. Runyan, 1923
Tune: Faithfulness
Syair: Thomas O. Chisholm, 1923
1 |
Besar setiaMu, Allah Bapaku, |
Reff: |
Besar setiaMu, besar setiaMu, | |
2 |
Matahari serta bintang dan bulan, | |
3 |
Pengampunan dosa memb'rikan damai, |
1 |
Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father; |
Reff: |
Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is thy faithfulness! | |
2 |
Summer and winter and springtime and harvest, | |
3 |
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth |
![]() Besar Setia-Mu Great Is Thy Faithfulness |
Syair / lirik bahasa Indonesia Kidung Persekutuan Reformed Injili 19 - Besar Setia-Mu