Kidung Persekutuan Reformed Injili

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Daftar Lagu Kidung Persekutuan Reformed Injili

No. Judul Judul asli Syair Lagu Tune
1 B'rilah Hormat Pada Hu Glory To God In The Highest
2 Besarlah Allahku How Great Thou Art Stuart K. Hine Carl G. Boberg O Store Gud
3 Mulia Majesty Jack William Hayford Jack William Hayford Majesty
4 Agungkan Kuasa Nama-Nya All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name Edward Perronet Oliver Holden Coronation
5 Terpujilah Nama Yesus All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name Edward Perronet James Ellor Diadem
6 Rajakanlah Yesus Crown Him With Many Crowns Matthew Bridges George J. Elvey Diademata
7 Glorify Thy Name Donna Adkins Donna Adkins Glorify Thy Name
8 Puji! Puji! Praise Him! Praise Him! Fanny J. Crosby Chester G. Allen Joyful Song
9 Worthy of Worship Terry W. York Mark Blankenship Judson
10 Walau Seribu Lidahku O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing Charles Wesley Thomas Jarman Lyngham
11 Terpujilah Allah To God Be The Glory Fanny J. Crosby William H. Doane
12 Atas Bumi Nan Permai For The Beauty of The Earth Folliott S. Pierpoint Conrad Kocher DIX
13 Inilah Dunia Hu This Is My Father's World Maltbie D. Babcock Tradisional Inggris Terra Beata
14 Mazmur 15 Billy Kristanto Felix Mendelssohn
15 Allah Baik Anonim Anonim
16 God Is Our Refuge And Our Strength Psalm 46, Scottish Psallter, 1650 Samuel A. Ward Materna
17 Allah Jadi Benteng Kukuh A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Martin Luther Martin Luther Ein' Feste Burg
18 You Are My Hiding Place Michael Ledner Michale Ledner Hiding Place
19 Besar Setia-Mu Great Is Thy Faithfulness Thomas O. Chisholm William M. Runyan Faithfulness
20 Engkau Milikku Abadi Close To Thee Fanny J. Crosby, 1874 Silas J. Vail Close To Thee
21 Nyamanlah Jiwaku It Is Well With My Soul Horatio G. Spafford Philip P. Bliss Ville Du Havre
22 Semua Karena Anugerah-Nya Rahmiati Tanudjaja Rahmiati Tanudjaja
23 Ku Bersandar pada yang Kekal Leaning on the Everlasting Arms Anthony J. Showalter
24 Tak Kulupakan Engkau I Will Not Forget Thee Charles H. Gabriel Charles H. Gabriel Sweet Promise
25 Tuhan Yang Pegang I Know Who Holds Tomorrow Ira F. Stanphill Ira F. Stanphill
26 Tuntun Aku, Tuhan Allah Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah William Williams, Peter Williams, 1771 (bahasa Inggris) John Hughes Cwm Rhondda
27 Be Strong In The Lord Linda Lee Johnson Tom Fettke Strength
28 Ku Tahu Siapa Yang Kupercaya James McGranahan
29 Jaminan Mulia Blessed Assurance Fanny J. Crosby Phoebe P. Knapp Assurance
30 Sepanjang Jalan Tuhan Pimpin All The Way My Savior Leads Me Fanny J. Crosby Robert Lowry All The Way
31 Seek Ye First Karen Lafferty Karen Lafferty Lafferty
32 Bapa Surgawi Mem'liharaku My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me W. C. Martin Charles H. Gabriel
33 Malam Kudus Silent Night, Holy Night Joseph Mohr Franz Xavier Gruber Stille Nacht
34 Dunia Gemar dan Soraklah Joy To The World Isaac Watts George F. Handel Antioch
35 Ajaiblah Nama-Nya His Name Is Wonderful Audrey Mieir Audrey Mieir Mieir
36 Dengarlah Malak Menyanyi Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Charles Wesley Felix Mendelssohn Mendelssohn
37 All Hail King Jesus Dave Moody Dave Moody King Jesus
38 Di Malam Sunyi Betlehem O Little Town Of Betlehem Philips Brooks Lewis H. Redner St. Louis
39 Jesus, Name Above All Names Naida Hearn Naida Hearn Hearn
40 Pada Tengah Malam Terdengar Pujian It Came Upon The Midnight Clear Edmund H. Sears Richard S. Willis Carol
41 Karena Allah Cinta For God So Loved The World Frances Townsend Alfred B. Smith For God So Loved
42 Oh, Malam Kudus O, Holy Night Placide Clappeau, John S. Dwight (bahasa Inggris) Adolphe Adam Cantique De Noel
43 Jesus, The Very Thought of Thee Jesus, The Very Thought of Thee Bernard of Clairvaux, Edward Caswall (bahasa Inggris) John Bacchus Dykes St. Agnes
44 Adalah di Kota Daud Once In Royal David's City Cecil Frances Alexander Henry John Gauntlett Irby
45 Kasih Yang Ajaib Caleb Tong Caleb Tong
46 Di Bukit Golgota The Old Rugged Cross George Bennard George Bennard Old Rugged Cross
47 I Believe In A Hill Called Mount Calvary Dale Oldham; Gloria Gaither; William J. Gaither William J. Gaither Mount Calvary
48 Kisah Salib Tuhan Yesus The Broken Heart Thomas Dennis Thomas Dennis
49 Memandang Salib Rajaku When I Survey The Wondrous Cross Isaac Watts Edward Miller Rockingham
50 Menjulang Nyata Atas Bukit Kala Above The Hills Of Time Thomas Tiplady, 1882 Tradisional Irlandia Londonderry
51 Pimpin ke Kalvari Lead Me To Calvary Jennie Evelyn Hussey William James Kirkpatrick Duncannon
52 Di Bawah Salib Yesus Beneath The Cross Of Jesus Elizabeth Cecelia Douglas Clephane Frederick C. Maker St. Christopher
53 Only Jesus Greg Nelson Phill McHugh Only Jesus
54 Bawalah Aku Yesus Dekat Ke Salib Near The Cross Fanny J. Crosby William H. Doane Near The Cross
55 O How He Loves You and Me! Kurt Kaiser Kurt Kaiser Patricia
56 O Mighty Cross David Baroni John Chisum
57 Hanya Oleh Darah Yesus Nothing But The Blood Robert Lowry Robert Lowry Plainfield
58 Mulia dan Menang Thine Is The Glory Edmond L. Budry George F. Handel Maccabeus
59 Dalam Taman In The Garden C. Austin Miles C. Austin Miles Garden
60 Karena Dia Hidup Because He Lives Gloria Gaither; William J. Gaither William J. Gaither Resurrection
61 Kristus Hidup He Lives Alfred H. Ackley Alfred H. Ackley Ackley
62 Kristus Bangkit Christ Arose Robert Lowry Robert Lowry Christ Arose
63 Menanglah Dalam Yesus Victory In Jesus E.M. Bartlett E.M. Bartlett Hartford
64 There is a Redeemer Melody Green Melody Green Green
65 Ada Lagu Dalam Hatiku He Keeps Me Singing Luther Burgess Bridgers Luther Burgess Bridgers Sweetest Name
66 Sukacita Tuhan Penuhiku Stephen Tong Stephen Tong
67 Ku Bernyanyi Tentang Yesus Albert A. Ketchum
68 Dosaku Dihapus He Took My Sins Away Margaret J. Harris Margaret J. Harris
69 Sejak Yesus di Hatiku Since Jesus Came Into My Heart Rufus H. McDaniel Charles H. Gabriel McDaniel
70 Dahulu Ku Tersesatlah He Ransomed Me Burt Sparks Burt Sparks
71 Surga Turun Heaven Came Down John W. Peterson John W. Peterson Heaven Came Down
72 Aku Sedang Berjalan Stephen Tong Stephen Tong
73 Oh, Kasih Hu Ajaib Indah John E. Su John E. Su
74 Behold, What Manner Of Love Patricia van Tine Patricia van Tine Manner Of Love
75 S'karang Ku Milik Yesus Now I Belong To Jesus Norman J. Clayton Norman J. Clayton Ellsworth
76 Sangat Besar Anug'rah-Mu Amazing Grace John Newton Tradisional Amerika New Britain
77 Grace Alone Scott Wesley Brown Jeff Nelson
78 Kar'na Kasih-Nya It Was Love E.C. Heidelberg E.C. Heidelberg
79 Not What My Hands Have Done Horatius Bonar George William Martin Leominster
80 Jesus, Thou Joy Of Loving Hearts Tuhan Ajarlah Aku Berdoa Bernard of Clairvaux, Billy Kristanto Billy Kristanto
81 Kaulah, Ya Tuhan, Surya Hidupku Be Thou My Vision Tradisional Irlandia abad ke-8, Mary E. Bryne, 1905 (bahasa Inggris); Eleanor H. Hull, 1912 (Syair) Tradisional Irlandia Slane
82 Happiness Is The Lord Ira F. Stanphill Ira F. Stanphill
83 Kidung Agung Stephen Tong Stephen Tong
84 Aku Berubah Things Are Different Now Stanton W. Gavitt Stanton W. Gavitt
85 Yesus Kristus Juruselamat Dunia Stephen Tong Stephen Tong
86 Yesus Segala-galanya Jesus Is All The World To Me Will L. Thompson Will L. Thompson Elizabeth
87 Ingat Akan Nama Yesus Take The Name Of Jesus With You Lydia Baxter William H. Doane
88 Bukan Aku Not I But Christ A.A. Whiddington Ira D. Sankey Hingham
89 Why Have You Chosen Me Rodger Strader Rodger Strader
90 Berjalan Ke Sion We're marching to Zion Isaac Watts Robert Lowry Marching To Zion
91 Seperti Tuhanku More Like The Master Charles H. Gabriel Charles H. Gabriel Hanford (Gabriel)
92 From Glory To Glory Adaptasi dari 2 Korintus 3:18 Anonim
93 Ku Mau Setia Joseph Yates Peek
94 May The Mind Of Christ, My Savior Kate B. Wilkinson A. Cyril Barham-Gould St. Leonards
95 Belum Pernah Ku Rendah Hati Stephen Tong Stephen Tong
96 Dosa K'luar John Sung Lagu Camp Amerika Campmeeting
97 Pujilah Hai Jiwaku Anonim Anonim
98 Many Gifts One Spirit Al Carmines Katherine
99 Dia Pusat Hidupku Ralph R. Carmichael Ralph R. Carmichael
100 Ada Kuasa dalam Darah-Nya There is Power In The Blood Lewis E. Jones Lewis E. Jones Power In The Blood
101 Siapakah Juruselamat? Stephen Tong, Jakarta 2003 Charles C. Converse Erie (Ref.)
102 Sebuah Nama yang Indah O How I Love Jesus Frederick Whitfield tradisional Amerika O How I Love Jesus
103 Mengikut Yesus Keputusanku I Have Decided To Follow Jesus Anonim Tradisional India Assam
104 Di Atas Satu Alas The Church's One Foundation Samuel J. Stone Samuel S. Wesley Aurelia
105 Give Thanks Henry Smith Henry Smith Give Thanks
106 Puji Hu! Thanks To God August Ludvig Storm, Carl E. Backstrom, 1931 (bahasa Inggris) Johannes Alfred Hultman
107 Kubersyukur Pada-Mu I Will Give Thanks To Thee Brent Chambers Brent Chambers Be Exalted
108 Indahlah Saat Berdoa Sweet Hour of Prayer William W. Walford William B. Bradbury
109 O Love That Will Not Let Me Go George Matheson Albert L. Peace St. Margaret
110 Kuberdoa Bagimu I Am Praying For You S. O'Maley Cluff Ira D. Sankey Intercession
111 Nyatakan Kehendak-Mu Speak To My Heart B. B. McKinney B. B. McKinney Holcomb
112 Yesus Berdoa Bagi Daku Alone Ben H. Price Ben H. Price
113 Ke Tempat yang Tertinggilah Higher Ground Johnson Oatman, Jr. Charles H. Gabriel Higher Ground
114 I Will Serve Thee Gloria Gaither; William J. Gaither William J. Gaither Serving
115 Saat-Nya In His Time Diane Ball Diane Ball
116 Ya Tuhan Tiap Jam I Need Thee Every Hour Annie S. Hawks Robert Lowry Need
117 Berdoalah Whisper A Prayer Tradisional Tradisional
118 Thy Loving Kindness Hugh Mitchell Hugh Mitchell Thy Loving Kindness
119 Mazmur 42 Billy Kristanto Ludwig van Beethoven
120 S'perti Rusa Rindu Sungai-Mu As The Deer Martin Nystrom Martin Nystrom As The Deer
121 Near To The Heart Of God Cleland B. McAfee Cleland B. McAfee McAfee
122 Change My Heart, O God Eddie Espinosa Eddie Espinosa Change My Heart
123 Be Still My Soul Katharina von Schlegel, Jane L. Borthwick, 1855 (bahasa Inggris) Jean Sibelius Finlandia
124 Kehendak Tuhan Jadikanlah Have Thine Own Way, Lord! Adelaide A. Pollard George C. Stebbins Adelaide
125 Pandanglah Pada Yesus Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus Helen Howarth Lemmel Helen Howarth Lemmel
126 Lord Of The Universe E. Margaret Clarkson
127 Ada Waktu Di Hidupku Herry Priyonggo Herry Priyonggo
128 Lord, To You My Soul Is Lifted Mazmur 25 Louis Bourgeois Genevan 25
129 Kenal Kau 'Kan Yesus Do You Know My Jesus? W.F. Lakey V.B. Ellis
130 Sebenarnya Ku Tak Layak Just As I Am, Without One Plea Charlotte Elliot William B. Bradbury
131 Jangan Engkau Lalu Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior Fanny J. Crosby William H. Doane Pass Me Not
132 Pada Yesus Ku Berserah I Surrender All J. W. Van DeVenter Winfield S. Weeden Surrender
133 Bukakan Mataku, Tuhan Open My Eyes, That I May See Clara H. F. Scott Clara H. F. Scott
134 Ajaiblah Firman Hidup Wonderful Words of Life Philip P. Bliss Philip P. Bliss Words of Life
135 Roh Kebenaran Penuhi Daku Fill Me Now Elwood H. Stokes John R. Sweney Fill Me Now
136 Penuhi Cawanku Fill My Cup, Lord Richard Blanchard Richard Blanchard Fill My Cup
137 Jalan Salib Perlulah Korban The Way Of The Cross M.E. Maxwell Ada Rose Gibbs
138 Hidup Bagi Yesus Living For Jesus Thomas O. Chisholm C. Harold Lowden Living
139 Memancarkan Keindahan-Mu Let The Beauty Of Jesus Be Seen In Me Albert W. T. Orsborn Tom Jones
140 Pakai Hidupku Ini Take My Life And Let It Be Frances Ridley Havergal Henri A. Cesar Malan Hendon
141 Bagi Yesus Tuhanku All For Jesus Mary D. James, 1889 Asa Hull Constancy
142 Ku Mau S'perti Hu William James Kirkpatrick
143 Ke Mana Saja Stephen Tong Stephen Tong
144 Utus Aku dalam Misi-Mu Stephen Tong Stephen Tong
145 Pimpinlah Niat Hamba Lead Me To Some Soul Today Will H. Houghton Wendell P. Loveless
146 Sukacita dalam Melayani Raja In The Service Of The King Alfred H. Ackley Benton D. Ackley
147 Pakailah Ku Bagai Pelita God Make My Life A Little Light Matilda B. B. Edwards, 1873 Jean Baptiste Calkin
148 Korban Hidup Stephen Tong Stephen Tong
149 Angkat Suaramu Sound The Battle Cry William F. Sherwin William F. Sherwin
150 Api Roh Suci Let The Fire Burn On F. Houghton A. Compain
151 Tunaikan Tugasnya Anonim Anonim
152 B'rilah T'rang There's A Call Comes Ringing (Send The Light) Charles H. Gabriel Charles H. Gabriel McCabe
153 Hai, Bangkit bagi Yesus Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus G. Duffield George J. Webb Webb
154 Api Zaman C.M. Yu Stephen Tong
155 Dari Kutub ke Kutub From Greenland's Icy Mountains Reginald Heber Lowell Mason Missionary Hymn
156 Jadikan Aku Saluran Berkat Make Me A Blessing Ira B. Wilson George S. Schuler Schuler
157 Kabarkan Kristus I'll Tell The World That I'm A Christian Baynard L. Fox Baynard L. Fox Tucker
158 Lihatlah Ladang sudah Menguning Mangapul Sagala Mangapul Sagala
159 Kita Harus Membawa Berita We've A Story To Tell To The Nations Henry Ernest Nichol Henry Ernest Nichol Message
160 Mazmur 84 Billy Kristanto
161 Aku Tuhan Semesta Here I Am, Lord Daniel L. Schutte Daniel L. Schutte Here I Am Lord
162 Shine, Jesus, Shine Graham Kendrick Graham Kendrick Shine, Jesus, Shine
163 Bangkit bagi Kristus Stephen Tong Stephen Tong
164 The Gift Of Love Hal Hopson Hal Hopson Gift Of Love
165 Song For The Nations Chris Christensen Chris Christensen Song For The Nations
166 Hujan Berkat There Shall Be Showers Of Blessing Daniel W. Whittle James McGranahan Showers Of Blessing
167 Bila Kau Pernah Cinta Yesus Stephen Tong Stephen Tong
168 Tuhan Ampuni Dosaku Stephen Tong Stephen Tong
169 Waktu Namaku Dipanggil When The Roll is Called Up Yonder James M. Black James M. Black
170 When We All Get To Heaven Eliza E. Hewitt Emily D. Wilson Heaven
171 Battle Hymn Of The Republic Julia Ward Howe Tradisional Amerika Battle Hymn
172 As A Deer In Want of Water Mazmur 42-43 Louis Bourgeois Genevan 42
173 Psalm 23 Billy Kristanto
174 Kita sudah Ditebus oleh-Nya We are Saved to Serve Lida Shivers Leech Saved to Serve
175 Lift High The Cross George William Khehin Sydney Hugo Nicholson Crucifer