Kidung Persekutuan Reformed Injili (KPRI) 135 - Roh Kebenaran Penuhi Daku

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KPRI135: Roh Kebenaran Penuhi Daku (Fill Me Now)

Lagu: John R. Sweney, 1879
Tune: Fill Me Now
Syair: Elwood H. Stokes, 1879




Roh Kebenaran berdiam dan bekerja dalamku.
Memberi sinar cahaya agar 'ku mengenal Hu/


Penuhlah, penuhlah, Yesus penuhi daku.
Mulia kuasa Rohul Kudus, kini p'nuhi hatiku.


Oh sucikan pialaku dari cemar dan dosa.
FirmanMu kuduskan daku 'gar 'ku hidup berkuasa.


Bagaikan rusa dahaga, aku rindu anug'rah.
Air Hidup alirkanlah lebih banyak dan limpah.

Syair bahasa Inggris

Hover o'er me, Holy Spirit,
Bathe my trembling heart and brow;
Fill me with Thy hallowed presence,
Come, O come and fill me now.


Fill me now, fill me now,
Jesus, come and fill me now;
Fill me with Thy hallowed presence,
Come, O come and fill me now.


Thou can'st fill me, gracious Spirit,
Though I cannot tell Thee how;
But I need Thee, greatly need Thee,
Come, O come and fill me now.


I am weakness, full of weakness,
At Thy sacred feet I bow;
Blest, divine, eternal Spirit,
Fill with power and fill me now.


Cleanse and comfort, bless and save me,
Bathe, O bathe my heart and brow;
Thou art comforting and saving,
Thou art sweetly filling now.

Cari videonya:
Roh Kebenaran Penuhi Daku
Fill Me Now

Syair / lirik bahasa Indonesia Kidung Persekutuan Reformed Injili 135 - Roh Kebenaran Penuhi Daku