KPRI 157
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KPRI157: Kabarkan Kristus (I'll Tell The World That I'm A Christian)
Lagu: Baynard L. Fox, 1958
Tune: Tucker
Syair: Baynard L. Fox, 1958
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B'ritakanlah Tuhan Penebus. Roh'ul Kudus yang sadarkanku Banyak orang di lembah dosa. |
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I'll tell the world that I'm a Christian. I'll tell the world how Jesus saved me I'll tell the world that He's my Savior. |
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I'll tell the world that He is coming. For when He comes and life is over O tell the world that you're a Christian. |
![]() Kabarkan Kristus I'll Tell The World That I'm A Christian |
Syair / lirik bahasa Indonesia Kidung Persekutuan Reformed Injili 157 - Kabarkan Kristus