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Lagu: E. Margaret Clarkson, 1915
Syair: tidak diketahui
Syair bahasa Inggris
Lord of the Universe, Hope of the world,
Lord of the limitless reaches of space,
Here on this planet You put on our flesh,
Vastness confined in the womb of a maid,
Born in our likeness you ransomed our race:
Savior, we worship You,
praise and adore,
Help us to honor You
more and yet more,
Help us to honor You
more and yet more!
Lord of the Universe, Hope of the world,
Lord of the infinite eons of time,
You came among us, lived our brief years
Tasted our griefs, our aloneness, our fears,
Conquered our death, made eternity ours:
Lord of the Universe, Hope of the world,
Send out Your light to the ends of the earth;
May we who know You obey Your command,
Go with the grace of Your gospel to all,
Bring salvation and freedom and joy:
Lord of the Universe, Hope of the world,
How Your creation cries out for release!
Looks for You, longs for You, watches and waits
Prays for Your kingdom of justice and peace!
Maker, Redeemer, Triumphant One, come!
Syair / lirik bahasa Indonesia Kidung Persekutuan Reformed Injili 126 - Lord Of The Universe