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KPRI137: Jalan Salib Perlulah Korban (The Way Of The Cross)

Lagu: Ada Rose Gibbs Syair: M.E. Maxwell




Jalan salib perlulah korban
s'rahkan semua pada Hu.
Letakkanlah s'mua di atas
mezbah api barulah 'kan nyata.


Ini jalan salib Relakah kau tempuh?
Sudahkah kau tanggung salibmu?
Kau yang t'lah serahkan semua pada Hu,
setiakah kau pada Hu?


Meski mend'rita kerugian
haruslah tetap setia.
Hingga sampai tiap hari dipenuhi
hidup yang berk'limpahan.


Untung rugi tak jadi soal
k'hendak Allah kut'rima.
S'muanya kupandang sebagai sampah
Kristuslah keuntunganku.

Syair bahasa Inggris

The way of the Cross means sacrifice,
As to God you yield your all,
To be laid on the altar, the place of death,
Where fire will surely fall.


'Tis the way of the Cross, are you willing, for this?
What does bearing the Cross mean to you?
You who've given yourself, your all to God!
To God are you wholly true?


As the voice of song and prayer we raise,
How easy to say, "We give all;"
Till some rougher cross lies just before,
And sterner is duty's call.


Do you falter then, or, true to death,
Just die on the cross in the way,
Till the fulness of life from the Living One
Is filling you day by day?

Cari videonya:
Jalan Salib Perlulah Korban
The Way Of The Cross

Syair / lirik bahasa Indonesia Kidung Persekutuan Reformed Injili 137 - Jalan Salib Perlulah Korban