Kidung Persekutuan Reformed Injili 136

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KPRI136: Penuhi Cawanku (Fill My Cup, Lord)

Lagu: Richard Blanchard, 1959
Tune: Fill My Cup
Syair: Richard Blanchard, 1959




S'perti p'rempuan Samaria 'ku mencari
hal yang tak puaskan hati,
'Ku mendengar Yesus berkata,
"Minum air hidup kau tak dahaga"


P'nuhi cawanku ini Tuhan
Puaskan dahaga jiwaku!
Roti Surga kenyangkanlah hatiku
Inilah cawanku, p'nuhi Tuhan


Tak terbilang orang yang merindukan
nikmatnya dunia yang fana,
tetapi tiada harta indah
setara Yesus Kristus Tuhanku


Hai saudara bila jiwamu haus
jangan kau kejar yang fana,
Kau pasti dis'lamatkan Tuhan
bila engkau berdoa pada-Nya

Syair bahasa Inggris

Like the woman in the well, I was seeking,
For things that could not satisfy;
And then I heard my Saviour speaking,
"Draw from my well that never shall run dry."


Fill my cup, Lord, I lift it up Lord.
Come and quench this thirsting of my soul,
Bread of Heaven feed me till I want no more,
Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole.


There are millions in this world who are craving
The pleasures earthly things afford;
But none can match this wondrous treasure
That I find in Jesus Christ my Lord.


So my friend if the things this world gave you,
Leave hunger that won't pass away;
My blessed Lord will come and save you,
If you kneel to him and humbly pray.

Cari videonya:
Penuhi Cawanku
Fill My Cup, Lord

Syair / lirik bahasa Indonesia Kidung Persekutuan Reformed Injili 136 - Penuhi Cawanku