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Revisi sejak 2 Desember 2014 16.29 oleh Kidung (bicara | kontrib) (1 revisi)
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KPRI92: From Glory To Glory

Lagu: tidak diketahui Syair: Adaptasi dari 2 Korintus 3:18

1=Bes 3/4

2Korintus 3:18
Syair bahasa Inggris

From glory to glory He's changing me
changing me changing me
His likeness and image to perfect in me
The love of God shown to the world.
For He's changing, changing me
From earthly things to the heavenly.
His likeness and image to perfect in me
The love of God shown to the world.

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From Glory To Glory

Syair / lirik bahasa Indonesia Kidung Persekutuan Reformed Injili 92 - From Glory To Glory