Kidung Persekutuan Reformed Injili (KPRI) 166 - Hujan Berkat

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KPRI166: Hujan Berkat (There Shall Be Showers Of Blessing)

Lagu: James McGranahan, 1883
Tune: Showers Of Blessing
Syair: Daniel W. Whittle, 1883




Hujan berkat 'kan tercurah, itulah janji kudus;
Hidup segar dari sorga 'kan diberi Penebus.


Hujan berkat-Mu itu yang kami perlu,
Rahmat yang bergrimis turun, tapi hujan kurindu.


Hujan berkat 'kan tercurah, hidup kembali segar.
Di atas bukit dan lembah bunyi derai terdengar.


Hujan berkat 'kan tercurah, kini kami berseru,
"B'rilah dengan limpah ruah, agar genap sabda-Mu!"


Hujan berkat 'kan tercurah, kami menantikannya.
Hati telah kami buka, Yesus Kau isi seg'ra!

Syair bahasa Inggris

There shall be showers of blessing,
This is the promise of love;
There shall be season refreshing,
Sent from the Savior above.


Showers of blessing,
Showers of blessing we need;
Mercy drops round us are falling,
But for the showers we plead.


There shall be showers of blessing,
Precious reviving again;
Over the hills and the valleys,
Sound of abundance of rain.


There shall be showers of blessing,
Send them upon us, O Lord;
Grant to us now a refreshing,
Come, and now honor Thy Word.


There shall be showers of blessing,
Oh, that today they might fall;
Now as to God we're confessing,
Now as on Jesus we call!


There shall be showers of blessing,
If we but trust and obey;
There shall be seasons refreshing,
If we let God has His way.

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Hujan Berkat
There Shall Be Showers Of Blessing

Syair / lirik bahasa Indonesia Kidung Persekutuan Reformed Injili 166 - Hujan Berkat