KPRI 107: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Revisi terkini sejak 2 Desember 2014 16.27

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KPRI107: Kubersyukur Pada-Mu (I Will Give Thanks To Thee)

Lagu: Brent Chambers
Tune: Be Exalted
Syair: Brent Chambers




'Ku bersyukur pada-Mu di antara bangsa ya Tuhan.
'Ku bermazmur bagi-Mu di antara bangsa.
S'bab kasih setia-Mu, besar sampai ke langit;
Kebesaran-Mu sampai ke awan-awan.
Tinggikan diri-Mu mengatasi langit;
Kemuliaan-Mu mengatasi bumi.
Tinggikan diri-Mu mengatasi langit;
Kemuliaan-Mu mengatasi bumi.

Syair bahasa Inggris

I will give thanks to Thee, O Lord among the people.
I will sing praises to Thee among the nations.
For Thy steadfast love is great, is great to the heavens;
And Thy faithfulness, Thy faithfulness to the clouds.
Be exalted, O God above the heavens;
Let Thy glory be over all the earth.
Be exalted, O God above the heavens;
Let Thy glory be over all the earth.

Cari videonya:
Kubersyukur Pada-Mu
I Will Give Thanks To Thee

Syair / lirik bahasa Indonesia Kidung Persekutuan Reformed Injili 107 - Kubersyukur Pada-Mu